Nonfiction filmmaker and archivist Jenni Olson has amassed a collection of work since the 1980s, including campy movie trailers and home movies of Pride celebrations before the ravages of AIDS.



The Museum of Fine Arts, Which Remains Closed, Confirms Layoffs
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From Camus' 'The Plague' To Dylan's 'Rough And Rowdy Days,' Sad Is The New Happy

Virtual Virtuosos: Local Singers, Hamstrung By The Pandemic, Staged An Opera On Animal Crossing

Sara Faith Alterman Shares Humor And Heartbreak In Memoir 'Let's Never Talk About This Again'

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Life In The Time Of Coronavirus

The ARTery's Living Room Livestream
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Survey Finds Arts Audiences Eager To Return — But Not Until Next Year

Off The Beaten Path, 6 New England Exhibits Offer Art Without The Crowds

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A Guide To New England Drive-Ins And Outdoor Movie Pop-Ups
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The massive, black-and-white portrait of Nelson Mandela, bookended by the words “Roxbury Love” in block letters, was a Boston landmark....

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This semi-autobiographical debut feature from writer-director Karen Maine stars Natalia Dyer as an uptight Catholic schoolgirl trying to make sense...

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Drag Queens Katya And Trixie Challenge Societal Expectations In Their Guide To Modern Womanhood

Boston Rapper Red Shaydez Makes A Bold Return On Her New Album 'Feel The Aura'

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With Ambiguity Over Film Production's Return, Industry Professionals Hope And Wait

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This cohort of creatives is shaping Boston's arts landscape in daring and refreshing ways.